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6 Step Trauma & Business Recovery

When going through mental trauma, there is a risk that your business could also be suffering. This can be especially true if you are a small business owner.

Physical Trauma Versus Mental Trauma

Going through a massive amount of trauma or stress is seen very differently than going through a physical trauma. Not only are mental health issues often misunderstood by others, but we can be very hard on ourselves during our time of recovery.

If we were in a massive vehicle accident, no-one would question time off work, a slow recovery, and specialists helping with that recovery. No-one would expect you to get back to work sooner. They wouldn’t be disappointed by what you didn’t achieve while you were healing. Nor would they be upset that you didn’t spend more time with other people while you healed.

Our Own Worst Enemy

Yet we can be our own worst enemy by underestimating how much it takes to get back to a ‘normal’ productive day, week, or month. We can beat ourselves up for all that we haven’t accomplished, and for all the time that we couldn’t concentrate or focus on our business.

It can be hard to reach out for help, but sometimes that’s exactly what we need. Grief or trauma counselling can be hugely beneficial. And this can be ongoing for months or years – whatever you need. Personal or business coaching or mentoring with a supportive and empathetic person can also be extremely helpful when you are ready to get back into your business. 

Recovery Expectation Versus Reality

Grief and trauma are like a brain injury – you need time, patience and help. And you may never be the same. There can be triggers that can unexpectedly hit you on a random Tuesday afternoon, (which has happened to me). There can be social events that you just can’t face joining in with. There can be movies that you can no longer watch. And that is okay.

Here are a few things that I have realised and then used to help me get through the aftermath of trauma. I sincerely hope that you find some wisdom here that you can use.

1) Be forgiving of yourself. It is completely acceptable that you haven’t achieved what you thought you would have at this point. 

2) Ask for help. Create a support system when and how you need it. Whether that’s individual counselling, business mentoring, or joining a like-minded networking group, surround yourself with people you can trust.

3) Practice what used to come naturally. Simply being comfortable in social situations can be a stretch if you have been protecting yourself through isolation for a while. Join in with small gatherings, or with your closest friends, or go to an event where you are just one of the crowd. Take someone who understands you and your triggers.

4) Re-evaluate your strengths. Major events like this in your life can lead to the biggest changes in you. Trauma can make you stronger, more sensitive, more approachable or increase your empathy. It can also increase your lust for life, and your ability to live in the moment. These are all things that can be used for good. How can you incorporate these into your business and the success of your clients?

5) Reset and realign your goals. Your priorities can shift and change throughout your life, and trauma can be a giant instigator of this. Look at your current passions, core beliefs and goals. What new business direction would help you to align with your adjusted view of your life and your priorities?

6) Start fresh. You are lucky to be alive. No matter what you have gone through, the fact that you are still here is a blessing. Some people don’t make it. Don’t look back at regrets, but start off fresh as if you have been given a new chance at life – a second chance to approach things slightly differently, to bring more meaning to what you do, to adjust your direction, or emphasise your reasons why. Own it. Grab it. And create the life now that you can be thankful for and proud of.


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